Foot Pain Saskatoon, E3 Chiropractic + Wellness, Kurtis Gryba

Do you find yourself wincing with every step, as if walking on pins and needles? Foot pain can be an excruciatingly common ailment, affecting individuals of all ages and activity levels. Whether you're an avid runner, a busy parent constantly on the move, or spend long hours on your feet at work, foot pain can put a serious damper on your day-to-day activities.

Two of the most prevalent culprits behind this discomfort are plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinopathy.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of these conditions, shedding light on their causes, symptoms, and—most importantly—effective treatment options.

Understanding Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a debilitating foot condition that stems from inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that stretches across the bottom of your foot, connecting your heel bone to your toes.

Think of the plantar fascia as a supportive bowstring that helps maintain the arch of your foot and absorbs shock as you walk, run, or stand. When this tissue becomes irritated or overstretched, tiny tears can develop, leading to pain and discomfort. T

This condition often manifests as a sharp, stabbing sensation in the heel, especially with the first steps in the morning or after prolonged periods of rest. As you continue to move throughout the day, the pain may subside, only to return with renewed intensity after periods of inactivity. Plantar fasciitis can make even the simplest of tasks, such as walking or standing, feel like an agonizing ordeal, significantly impacting your quality of life. Without proper intervention, the condition may worsen over time, making it essential to seek timely treatment to alleviate symptoms and prevent long-term complications.

Causes and Risk Factors:

  • Overuse or repetitive strain on the plantar fascia, often from activities like running, walking long distances, or standing for extended periods.
  • Poor foot mechanics or biomechanical issues, such as flat feet or high arches.
  • Obesity, which places increased pressure on the plantar fascia.
  • Improper footwear lacking proper arch support or cushioning.


  • Sharp, stabbing pain in the heel, particularly upon waking or after long periods of rest.
  • Pain that worsens with activity and improves with rest.
  • Tenderness and inflammation along the bottom of the foot.

Treatment Options:

  • RELATIVE Rest and activity modification to avoid exacerbating symptoms.
  • Stretching exercises to improve flexibility and reduce tension in the plantar fascia.
  • Strengthening exercises to reduce stress on the plantar fascia.
  • Custom Orthotics or supportive footwear to provide arch support and cushioning.
  • Chiropractic adjustments to improve foot mechanics and alleviate pressure on the plantar fascia.

Understanding Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles tendinopathy is a prevalent condition characterized by pain, stiffness, and swelling in the Achilles tendon, the thick band of tissue that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone.

This vital tendon plays a crucial role in various activities, including walking, running, jumping, and even standing on tiptoe.

Achilles tendinopathy typically develops due to overuse or repetitive strain on the tendon, often stemming from activities like running long distances, participating in sports that involve sudden stops and starts, or engaging in activities that require repetitive jumping motions. As the tendon is subjected to excessive stress over time, it can become irritated, inflamed, or even develop small tears, resulting in discomfort and dysfunction.

Individuals with Achilles tendinopathy often experience pain and stiffness at the back of the heel, particularly upon waking in the morning or after periods of rest. The pain may improve with light activity but worsen with more intense exercise or prolonged periods of standing. If left untreated, Achilles tendinopathy can lead to further degeneration of the tendon and increase the risk of tendon rupture, highlighting the importance of early intervention and appropriate management strategies.

Causes and Risk Factors:

  • Overuse or repetitive strain on the tendon, often from activities like running, jumping, or sudden increases in physical activity.
  • Poor biomechanics or foot alignment, placing excessive stress on the tendon.
  • Inadequate warm-up or stretching before exercise.
  • Age-related changes that reduce the tendon's ability to tolerate stress.


  • Pain and stiffness in the affected tendon, typically near the back of the heel for Achilles tendinopathy.
  • Swelling and tenderness, particularly upon palpation.
  • Gradual onset of symptoms, worsening with activity and improving with rest.

Treatment Options:

Saskatoon chiropractors and physiotherapists play a vital role in diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating Achilles tendon injuries. These professionals have in-depth knowledge of the musculoskeletal system and possess various techniques to effectively address such injuries.

  • RELATIVE Rest and activity modification to allow the tendon time to heal.
  • Isometric and eccentric strengthening exercises to promote tendon healing and improve resilience.
  • Physical therapy modalities such as dry needling to reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair.
  • Custom orthotics or footwear modifications to correct biomechanical issues and reduce stress on the tendon.
  • Chiropractic care to address underlying musculoskeletal imbalances contributing to tendinopathy.

Seeking Relief at E3 Chiropractic + Wellness

When it comes to addressing foot pain and preventing future injury, it's crucial to seek expert guidance and personalized care. At E3 Chiropractic + Wellness in Saskatoon, our team of skilled chiropractors and physiotherapists specializes in treating a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including plantar fasciitis and tendinopathy.

Why Choose E3 Chiropractic + Wellness?

Comprehensive Assessment: Our practitioners take the time to thoroughly evaluate your condition, identifying the root cause of your foot pain and developing a tailored treatment plan to address your unique needs.

Multi-Disciplinary Approach: We believe in the power of collaboration, drawing on the expertise of chiropractors, physiotherapists, and other healthcare professionals to deliver holistic care that targets all aspects of your foot health.

Evidence-Based Treatments: From manual adjustments and soft tissue therapy to exercise rehabilitation and ergonomic advice, our treatments are grounded in the latest research and proven techniques to ensure optimal outcomes.

Patient-centred Care: At E3 Chiropractic + Wellness, your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. We'll work closely with you every step of the way, providing ongoing support and guidance to help you achieve lasting relief from foot pain.


Don't let foot pain hold you back from living your best life. Whether you're struggling with plantar fasciitis, tendinopathy, or any other musculoskeletal issue, the experienced team at E3 Chiropractic + Wellness is here to help.

Click HERE to schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards a pain-free future. Your feet will thank you!

Dr. Kurtis Gryba

Dr. Kurtis Gryba

Chiropractor | Owner

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