Do stiff or painful joints stop you from enjoying your favourite activities?

You might even know you need to improve your mobility and flexibility but don't know what exercises to do.


Kinstretch is a group class focusing on improving mobility, strength, flexibility, and coordination.

Nick Allard is a Kinstretch Certified Physiotherapist.

Through his experience with injury, Nick understands the importance of moving well in a workout. He also understands that improving your mobility on your own can be difficult! 

Kinstretch group classes offer a program to improve your mobility and decrease your risk of injury in a class led by an expert. You won't have to think about what exercises or stretches you should be doing.

All you have to do is show up. 

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Don't let your pain or stiffness stop you from enjoying your favourite activities!

Book Your First Kinstretch Class Today!

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kinstretch

 Does Kinstretch replace my other workouts? 

  • Kinstretch is not designed to replace your strength training, running, CrossFit, yoga or cycling. Kinstretch is a system that prepares you to perform all of these other activities! 

Are flexibility and mobility the same thing? 

  •  Flexibility and mobility are NOT the same thing. Flexibility involves passively getting to an end range of motion, which can potentially be dangerous. Mobility is controlling your body through a range of motion. Kinstretch helps you improve your body's ability to control a range of motion, focusing on MOBILITY.

Are Kinstretch and Yoga the same?

  • Kinstretch and Yoga may appear similar at first glance, but they are fundamentally distinct practices.

    Kinstretch combines mobility training and strength training to enhance overall mobility, body control, and strength. It emphasizes progressive or maximal efforts to achieve these goals. Kinstretch is likely to involve maximal muscular exertion. 

    On the other hand, Yoga aims to establish a connection between the body and mind through movement, breath control, and mindfulness. Yoga typically does not involve maximum muscular exertion.