Post-partum return to fitness is an important aspect of women's health!

The birthing process can result in various musculoskeletal issues such as diastasis recti, pelvic floor dysfunction, and altered biomechanics.

These conditions can cause discomfort and pain and limit an individual's ability to return to pre-pregnancy levels of physical activity. 

Unfortunately, many new mothers are not given adequate guidance and support for returning to fitness after childbirth, particularly those who have a history of being physically active prior to pregnancy. This can lead to frustration, injury, and a longer recovery period.


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Better Understand Common Postpartum Injuries

Back Pain

Back pain is perhaps one of the most prevalent and persistent issues that new mothers face postpartum.

The physical demands of pregnancy, labor, and caring for a newborn can take a toll on the spine and surrounding muscles, leading to discomfort and pain in the back. The added weight of the growing baby during pregnancy can cause the curvature of the spine to shift, leading to strain on the muscles and ligaments supporting the back.

Additionally, the act of labor itself, whether vaginal or cesarean, can further exacerbate existing back issues or create new ones. After childbirth, the constant bending, lifting, and carrying involved in caring for a newborn can put additional stress on the back muscles, leading to further discomfort.

Moreover, hormonal changes during pregnancy and postpartum can also contribute to laxity in the ligaments, potentially leading to instability in the spine and increased susceptibility to injury.

While back pain is a common experience for many new mothers, it is not something they must endure indefinitely.

Through targeted chiropractic care, such as that provided by Saskatoon Chiropractor, E3 Chiropractic + Wellness, new mothers can find relief from back pain and regain mobility and function in their daily lives.

E3 Chiropractic + Wellness offers a range of services, including spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and rehabilitative exercises, to address the underlying causes of back pain and promote healing and recovery. 

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a prevalent yet often underestimated issue that many women face postpartum.

The pelvic floor, a group of muscles located at the base of the pelvis, plays a crucial role in supporting the organs in the abdomen and creating low back stability! During childbirth, these muscles undergo significant stress and trauma, leading to weakness, tightness, or injury.

As a result, women may experience a range of symptoms, including incontinence and back pain. These symptoms can have a profound impact on a woman's quality of life, affecting her physical, emotional, and social well-being.

However, pelvic floor dysfunction is not a condition that women have to endure silently.

With the right treatment and support, such as pelvic floor rehabilitation offered by Saskatoon Chiropractor and E3 Chiropractic + Wellness, women can regain strength, function, and confidence in their bodies. 

Diastasis Recti

Diastasis recti, a condition characterized by the separation of the abdominal muscles, is a common concern for many postpartum women.

During pregnancy, the growing uterus can cause the abdominal muscles to stretch and separate, resulting in a noticeable gap between the left and right sides of the rectus abdominis muscle. This separation can lead to a protruding belly, core weakness, and lower back pain.

While diastasis recti is a natural part of pregnancy, it can persist long after childbirth if not properly addressed.

Fortunately, with targeted exercises and manual therapy, such as those offered by Saskatoon Chiropractor, E3 Chiropractic + Wellness, women can effectively close the gap and restore strength and function to their abdominal muscles.

E3 Chiropractic + Wellness takes a comprehensive approach to diastasis recti recovery, combining core-strengthening exercises, chiropractic adjustments, and supportive techniques to help women regain their pre-pregnancy abdominal strength.

By addressing diastasis recti early on and providing personalized care, E3 Chiropractic + Wellness empowers women to feel confident in their return to activity and fitness! 

At E3 Chiropractic + Wellness, we take a comprehensive approach to post-partum rehab, addressing each individual's specific needs and concerns.

We utilize full hour-long 1-on-1 initial assessment to thoroughly assess and treat any musculoskeletal issues that may arise. Following our initial assessment, each appointment is at least 20 minutes long including adjustments, muscle work and rehabilitative exercises.

Your treatment plan will include adjustments and advanced techniques such as the McKenzie Method of Diagnosis and Treatment, Neurodynamics, Functional Range Conditioning and Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization to get optimal results.

Our team of experts understands the importance of challenging new mothers appropriately while also prioritizing their safety and comfort.

We work with each individual to create a customized plan that addresses their unique needs and goals, helping them return to full exercise participation with confidence and ease.

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