Rib pain can be surprisingly common, and if you've ever experienced it, you know how uncomfortable it can be. The pain can range from a mild ache to sharp, stabbing sensations that make every breath, twist, or cough a challenge.

Most people don't realize that their everyday habits might be causing or worsening this pain. At E3 Chiropractic + Wellness, we see many patients struggling with rib discomfort that often stems from their daily routines.

Let’s explore some of the daily habits that can lead to rib pain and what you can do to avoid them.

Understanding Rib Pain

Rib pain can be tricky. It often gets confused with other types of discomfort, like back pain, shoulder pain, or even heart-related issues. The pain can be located anywhere from your chest, under the rib cage, or even your upper back, making it harder to pinpoint. Sometimes, it stems from a direct injury, but in many cases, it’s the result of chronic habits that place stress on your ribcage and the surrounding muscles and joints.

If you're experiencing rib pain and wondering what could be causing it, you might be surprised to learn that your daily routine could be to blame. Here are some of the most common habits that might be contributing to your discomfort.

1. Poor Posture

One of the biggest contributors to rib pain is poor posture. In today’s world, most of us spend long hours sitting at a desk, working on computers, or looking down at our phones. This hunched-forward position compresses your chest, puts strain on your ribs, and overstresses the muscles between your ribs (intercostal muscles). Over time, this can lead to discomfort and chronic rib pain.

How Does Poor Posture Cause Rib Pain?

When you slouch, your spine and ribs don’t align properly. The forward tilt of your head and rounded shoulders can cause compression in the ribcage, making it difficult for your ribs to expand fully when you breathe. This can result in tight muscles, joint irritation, and eventually, pain. Many patients at E3 Chiropractic + Wellness come in with this issue, and posture correction is often a key part of their treatment plan.

Tip: Regularly checking your posture and making ergonomic adjustments to your workspace can reduce rib discomfort. A Saskatoon chiropractor from E3 Chiropractic + Wellness can provide personalized advice and adjustments to help you maintain a healthier posture.

2. Overuse of Certain Muscles

Daily activities, like lifting heavy objects, carrying bags on one shoulder, or repetitive movements during exercise, can overwork the muscles surrounding the ribs. When these muscles—especially the intercostal muscles—become strained or overused, it can lead to rib pain.

How Does Muscle Overuse Contribute to Rib Pain?

Repetitive motions, like twisting during a workout or even carrying a heavy backpack every day, can cause tension and fatigue in the muscles between your ribs. This overuse leads to muscle tightness and inflammation, which can make every breath feel uncomfortable. At E3 Chiropractic + Wellness, we’ve helped many patients recover from rib pain caused by overuse, using tailored chiropractic care and physical therapy.

Tip: Vary your workouts, switch shoulders when carrying bags, and make sure to stretch your chest and back muscles regularly. This can relieve the stress placed on your ribcage and surrounding muscles.

3. Incorrect Breathing Techniques

You may not think about how you breathe, but the way you do it can have a big impact on your ribs. Shallow, chest-based breathing puts extra strain on the muscles and joints in your ribcage, leading to pain over time.

How Does Shallow Breathing Cause Rib Pain?

When you breathe shallowly, you're using the upper part of your chest to take in air, rather than fully engaging your diaphragm. This forces the small muscles between your ribs to work harder than they should, which can eventually lead to tightness and discomfort. Many patients at E3 Chiropractic + Wellness are surprised to learn that breathing exercises can help alleviate their rib pain.

Tip: Practice deep diaphragmatic breathing to reduce strain on your ribs. Not sure how? The chiropractors at E3 Chiropractic + Wellness in Saskatoon can teach you techniques to engage your diaphragm and take pressure off your ribcage.

4. Twisting Movements and Poor Body Mechanics

Another common habit that can lead to rib pain is performing twisting movements without proper form. This could happen during sports, exercise, or even simple everyday actions like reaching for something on a high shelf. If you're not mindful of your body mechanics, these movements can put unnecessary stress on your ribs and lead to injury.

How Do Twisting Movements Affect Your Ribs?

Your ribs are connected to your spine, so when you twist improperly, you can pull or strain the muscles and joints in this area. This often leads to pain that radiates around the ribs or into the back. Patients who visit E3 Chiropractic + Wellness often report rib pain after sports injuries or simply from poor movement habits, and chiropractic adjustments help them regain proper mobility and alignment.

Tip: Focus on maintaining good form when twisting or lifting, especially during physical activity. If you feel unsure about your body mechanics, the team at E3 Chiropractic + Wellness can help assess your movements and guide you in safer practices.

5. Stress and Tension

Believe it or not, stress can also be a major factor when it comes to rib pain. When you're stressed, your body tends to tighten up, and you may hold tension in your chest, shoulders, and back. This can result in muscle tightness and rib discomfort.

How Does Stress Lead to Rib Pain?

Stress often causes people to clench their muscles unconsciously, especially in the upper body. Over time, this tension can affect the muscles between and around your ribs, leading to pain and stiffness. The chiropractors at E3 Chiropractic + Wellness frequently work with patients suffering from rib pain related to stress and help them find relief through chiropractic adjustments, relaxation techniques, and lifestyle advice.

Tip: Incorporating relaxation exercises into your daily routine, such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing, can help reduce tension and relieve rib pain.

Seeking Relief at E3 Chiropractic + Wellness

If you're dealing with rib pain and suspect your daily habits might be the cause, don't hesitate to seek professional help. At E3 Chiropractic + Wellness, our experienced team of chiropractors in Saskatoon is skilled at diagnosing the root causes of rib pain and providing tailored treatment plans to address the issue.

Whether your pain stems from poor posture, muscle overuse, or stress, chiropractic care can offer significant relief by realigning your spine, reducing tension, and restoring proper movement to your ribs.

We believe in a holistic approach to health, which means not only treating your rib pain but also helping you develop better habits to prevent it from returning. Let our team at E3 Chiropractic + Wellness guide you toward a pain-free life with personalized chiropractic care designed to meet your unique needs.

Don’t let rib pain disrupt your life.

Click HERE to schedule a FREE Discovery Call and start your journey to a pain-free life!


Dr. Kurtis Gryba

Dr. Kurtis Gryba

Chiropractor | Owner

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